Distrelec and RS have joined forces, providing you with a broader range of products, local support and expertise – we are stronger together.
Distrelec and RS have joined forces, providing you with a broader range of products, local support and expertise – we are stronger together.
CHFExc. Vat

Social Media

The Social Media Team

Distrelec’s social media team monitor our LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts Monday – Friday between 9am and 5pm.

The team are Manchester based although we post content that’s relevant to our partners and customers across Europe.

These guidelines give it a little bit of information about the type of content we post and why, and also how we will address any challenges or questions you have about how we operate on social media.

Our principles

Social media is a great place to learn, discuss and even get a little bit of entertainment but every now and again, and fortunately very rarely on our pages, someone steps out of line.

So here’s our principles that we ask everyone who engages with us to agree to;

  • Respect everyone’s right to an opinion, even if you disagree with what someone says
  • Make sure your glass is half full. It can be difficult to judge someone’s tone at times, so assume only good intentions. Keep your personal information to yourself (more on that later)
  • No swearing. This one’s easy, right?
  • Be yourself, we’d always love to hear what you have to say!

Content we post


We’ll post about important news and events that impact the industries we work in as well as offering guidance on electronics, tools and components to help you get the most from products you need to do your job


We stock thousands of items and when new ones land or there’s temporary discounts we’ll let you know.


Gone are the days when product tutorials are longwinded and confusing pages of text. We post easy-to-understand content that helps you to understand exactly how things work.

Dealing with offensive content

Social media can bring out the best in people but, occasionally in a very small number of people, also the worst.

We’ll remove content and potentially block youraccount if you;

  • Are abusive, threatening or hateful
  • Post content that we deem to be offensive
  • Post content that’s unlawful (for example, defamatory content or sharing intellectual property rights)
  • Use our page to market or advertise your own products / website

If you have any questions

If you have any questions on our social policy or our wider activity you can reach the team directly by emailing social@distrelec.com.